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Our Water Crisis Is WAY WORSE than You Think…Here’s Why

Our Water Crisis Is WAY WORSE than You Think…Here’s Why
Our Water Crisis Is WAY WORSE than You Think...Here's Why

Our Water Crisis Is WAY WORSE than You Think…Here’s Why

From California’s epic few years of droughts and floods to wells running dry and aquifers depleting, water is a critical environmental issue. So, what do we do about it? In this episode, Maiya May tries to figure this out. To start, she visits Tulare Lake, California, once a critical water reserve and cultural site for the Tachi-Yokut tribe, which has re-emerged after 150 years. Maiya learns about agriculture’s challenges, the depletion of groundwater, and finds hope in innovative farming practices that reduce emissions and conserve water. She then heads back to California to learn how water officials are utilizing floods to recharge critical aquifers. Credit to : PBS Terra

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