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Achieving an Aviation Future Powered by Biofuels

Achieving an Aviation Future Powered by Biofuels


A North American airport serving 40 million passengers each year wants to be a world-leader in using sustainable aviation biofuels. Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac) is working closely with its largest carrier, Alaska Airlines, and Boeing on a study to work out how this can be achieved. Alaska Airlines is already a trailblazer when it comes to using biofuels.

Last month it flew two flights using 20% biofuels from Sea-Tac to Washington and San Francisco. The two commercial flights used Gevo’s pioneering renewable alcohol-to-jet-fuel (ATJ). Alaska Airlines has been a partner with Gevo in the commercialisation of its ATJ, and has committed to a number of initiatives, most recently partnering with Boeing and the Port of Seattle on a $250,000 Biofuel Infrastructure Feasibility Study for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Port of Seattle Commissioners John Creighton said: “I would like to see Sea-Tac become first airport in North America to make biofuels available to all.”

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